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About us

Who is RIVELO,
the Regional​ Innovative Cluster For Logistics?

The RIVELO Regional Innovative Cluster is an integrated system between companies, institutions and universities to implement innovative projects on the themes of logistics – 4.0 – supply chain – eco sustainability. It was recognised by the Veneto Region with DGR 381 of 2 April 2019.

The RIVELO Consortium is the legal entity representing RIVELO. It was established on 07.06.2019 by notarial act and is composed of:

  • Coverfil Consortium
  • Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A. – Service company of Confindustria Veneto
  • Speedhub: Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) of Confindustria Verona
  • Adami Autotrasporti S.p.A.
  • Number1 Logistics Group S.p.A.

The RIVELO Consortium represents the RIVELO Network in relations with the Veneto Region and other public administrations, and contributes to promotion and development activities through innovative institutional and public actions.


Objectives of the aggregation

RI-VELO wants to connect the worlds of business and research in order to access specific funding for innovative projects on certain S3 topics, i.e. topics that can be funded on the basis of EU guidelines.

RIS3 - Smart Agrifood

  • Nutrition, health and food safety:
    Actions for the development of innovative and more sustainable packaging for agrifood products. Innovative solutions for improving food shelf life.
  • Innovative and sustainable transformation processes:
    Innovative techniques in the transport of agrifood products
  • Sustainable agribusiness:
    Decision support and management systems for the agricultural and livestock sector using complex algorithms (e.g. Internet of Things, use of drones big data analysis)

RIS3 - Smart Manufacturing

  • New organisational and production models:
    Definition of technologies and systems aimed at the realisation of customisation and personalisation processes.
  • Sustainable manufacturing and processes:
    Innovation of manufacturing processes with a view to self-sustainability and through the use of new technology transfer solutions; realisation of a sustenaible supply chain, through the assessment of environmental impacts.
  • Cognitive and automation systems:
    Solutions for advanced maintenance, quality and logistics management and decision support in complex environments
    Development of integrated digital platforms for the configuration of production systems
    Development of intelligent machines, advanced automation and robotic systems

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